

class minimagen.Imagen.Imagen(unets: Union[Unet, List[Unet], Tuple[Unet, ...]], *, text_encoder_name: str, image_sizes: Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int, ...]], text_embed_dim: Optional[int] = None, channels: int = 3, timesteps: Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int, ...]] = 1000, cond_drop_prob: float = 0.1, loss_type: Literal['l1', 'l2', 'huber'] = 'l2', lowres_sample_noise_level: float = 0.2, auto_normalize_img: bool = True, dynamic_thresholding_percentile: float = 0.9, only_train_unet_number: Optional[int] = None)

Bases: Module

Minimal Imagen implementation.

property device: device
forward(images, texts: Optional[List[str]] = None, text_embeds: Optional[tensor] = None, text_masks: Optional[tensor] = None, unet_number: Optional[int] = None)

Imagen forward pass. Noises images and then calculates loss from U-Net noise prediction.

  • images – Images to operate on. Shape (b, c, s, s).

  • texts – Text captions to condition on. List of length b.

  • text_embeds – Text embeddings to condition on. Used if texts is not passed in.

  • text_masks – Text embedding mask. Used if texts is not passed in.

  • unet_number – Which number unet to train if there are multiple.



load_state_dict(*args, **kwargs)

Overrides load_state_dict to place all Unets in Imagen instance on one device when called.

sample(*args, **kwargs)
state_dict(*args, **kwargs)

Overrides state_dict to place all Unets in Imagen instance on one device when called.


class minimagen.Unet.Base(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Unet

Base image generation U-Net with default arguments from original Imagen implementation.

  • dim = 512

  • dim_mults = (1, 2, 3, 4),

  • num_resnet_blocks = 3,

  • layer_attns = (False, True, True, True),

  • layer_cross_attns = (False, True, True, True),

  • memory_efficient = False

defaults = {'dim': 512, 'dim_mults': (1, 2, 3, 4), 'layer_attns': (False, True, True, True), 'layer_cross_attns': (False, True, True, True), 'memory_efficient': False, 'num_resnet_blocks': 3}
class minimagen.Unet.BaseTest(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Unet

Base image generation U-Net with default arguments intended for testing.

  • dim = 8

  • dim_mults = (1, 2)

  • num_resnet_blocks = 1

  • layer_attns = False

  • layer_cross_attns = False

  • memory_efficient = False

defaults = {'dim': 8, 'dim_mults': (1, 2), 'layer_attns': False, 'layer_cross_attns': False, 'memory_efficient': False, 'num_resnet_blocks': 1}
class minimagen.Unet.Super(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Unet

Super-Resolution U-Net with default arguments from original Imagen implementation.

  • dim = 128

  • dim_mults = (1, 2, 4, 8),

  • num_resnet_blocks = (2, 4, 8, 8),

  • layer_attns = (False, False, False, True),

  • layer_cross_attns = (False, False, False, True),

  • memory_efficient = True

defaults = {'dim': 128, 'dim_mults': (1, 2, 4, 8), 'layer_attns': (False, False, False, True), 'layer_cross_attns': (False, False, False, True), 'memory_efficient': True, 'num_resnet_blocks': (2, 4, 8, 8)}
class minimagen.Unet.SuperTest(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Unet

Super-Resolution U-Net with default arguments intended for testing.

  • dim = 8

  • dim_mults = (1, 2)

  • num_resnet_blocks = (1, 2)

  • layer_attns = False

  • layer_cross_attns = False

  • memory_efficient = True

defaults = {'dim': 8, 'dim_mults': (1, 2), 'layer_attns': False, 'layer_cross_attns': False, 'memory_efficient': True, 'num_resnet_blocks': (1, 2)}
class minimagen.Unet.Unet(*, dim: int = 128, dim_mults: tuple = (1, 2, 4), channels: int = 3, channels_out: Optional[int] = None, cond_dim: Optional[int] = None, text_embed_dim=512, num_resnet_blocks: Union[int, tuple] = 1, layer_attns: Union[bool, tuple] = True, layer_cross_attns: Union[bool, tuple] = True, attn_heads: int = 8, lowres_cond: bool = False, memory_efficient: bool = False, attend_at_middle: bool = False)

Bases: Module

U-Net for use as a denoising model trained via Diffusion. See also minimagen.diffusion_model.GaussianDiffusion

forward(x: tensor, time: tensor, *, lowres_cond_img: Optional[tensor] = None, lowres_noise_times: Optional[tensor] = None, text_embeds: Optional[tensor] = None, text_mask: Optional[tensor] = None, cond_drop_prob: float = 0.0) tensor

Unet forward pass.

  • x – Input images. Shape (b, c, s, s).

  • time – Timestep to noise to for each image. Shape (b,)

  • lowres_cond_img – (Upsampled) low-res conditioning images for super-res models. Shape (b, c, s, s)

  • lowres_noise_times – Time to noise to for low-res noise conditioning augmentation. Shape (b,).

  • text_embeds – Conditioning text embeddings. Size (b, 256, embedding_dim). See minimagen.t5.t5_encode_text().

  • text_mask – Text mask for text embeddings. Shape (b, 256)

  • cond_drop_prob – Probability of dropping conditioning info for classifier-free guidance. Generally in the range [0.1, 0.2].


Denoised images. Shape (b, c, s, s).

forward_with_cond_scale(*args, cond_scale: float = 1.0, **kwargs) tensor

Adds classifier-free guidance to the forward pass.

  • args – Arguments to pass to forward

  • cond_scale

    Conditioning scale.

    • cond_scale = 0 => unconditional model.

    • cond_scale = 1 => standard conditional model.

    • cond_scale > 1 => large guidance weights improve image quality/fidelity at the cost of diversity.

    See here for more information.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to forward


Guided images. Shape (b, c, s, s).

Diffusion Model

class minimagen.diffusion_model.GaussianDiffusion(*, timesteps: int)

Bases: Module

Diffusion Model.

predict_start_from_noise(x_t: tensor, t: tensor, noise: tensor) tensor

Given a noised image and its noise component, calculated the unnoised image x_0.

  • x_t – Noised images. Shape (b, c, s, s).

  • t – Timestep for each image. Shape (b,).

  • noise – Noise component for each image. Shape (b, c, s, s).


Un-noised images. Shape (b, c, s, s).

q_posterior(x_start: tensor, x_t: tensor, t: tensor) tuple[torch._VariableFunctionsClass.tensor, torch._VariableFunctionsClass.tensor, torch._VariableFunctionsClass.tensor]

Calculates q_posterior parameters given a starting image x_start (x_0) and a noised image x_t.

q posterior formula

Where the mean is


And the variance prefactor is

  • x_start – Original input images x_0. Shape (b, c, h, w)

  • x_t – Images at current time x_t. Shape (b, c, h, w)

  • t – Current time. Shape (b,)


Tuple of

  • posterior mean, shape (b, c, s, s),

  • posterior variance, shape (b, 1, 1, 1),

  • clipped log of the posterior variance, shape (b, 1, 1, 1)

q_sample(x_start: tensor, t: tensor, noise: Optional[tensor] = None) tensor

Sample from q at a given timestep:

  • x_start – Original input images. Shape (b, c, h, w).

  • t – Timestep value for each image in the batch. Shape (b,).

  • noise – Optionally supply noise to use. Defaults to Gaussian. Shape (b, c, s, s).


Noised image. Shape (b, c, h, w).


minimagen.t5.get_encoded_dim(name: str) int

Gets the encoding dimensionality of a given T5 encoder.

minimagen.t5.t5_encode_text(text, name: str = 't5_base', max_length=256)

Encodes a sequence of text with a T5 text encoder.

  • text – List of text to encode.

  • name

    Name of T5 model to use. Options are:

    • 't5_small' (~0.24 GB, 512 encoding dim),

    • 't5_base' (~0.89 GB, 768 encoding dim),

    • 't5_large' (~2.75 GB, 1024 encoding dim),

    • 't5_3b' (~10.6 GB, 1024 encoding dim),

    • 't5_11b' (~42.1 GB, 1024 encoding dim),


Returns encodings and attention mask. Element [i,j,k] of the final encoding corresponds to the k-th encoding component of the j-th token in the i-th input list element.

Training, smalldata=False, testset=False)

Load conceptual captions dataset

  • args – Arguments Namespace/dictionary parsed from get_minimagen_parser()

  • smalldata – Whether to return a small subset of the data (for testing code)

  • testset – Whether to return the testing set (vs training/valid)


test_dataset if testset else (train_dataset, valid_dataset)


Bases: object

class, *, encoder_name: str, max_length: int, side_length: int, train: bool = True, img_transform=None)

Bases: Dataset, args, unets, imagen, train_dataloader, valid_dataloader, training_dir, optimizer, timeout=60)

Training loop for MinImagen instance

  • timestamp – Timestamp for training.

  • args – Arguments Namespace/dict from argparsing parser.

  • unets – List of :class:`~.minimagen.Unet.Unet`s used in the Imagen instance.

  • imagenImagen instance to train.

  • train_dataloader – Dataloader for training.

  • valid_dataloader – Dataloader for validation.

  • training_dir – Training directory context manager returned from create_directory().

  • optimizer – Optimizer to use for training.

  • timeout – Amount of time to spend trying to process batch before passing on to the next batch. Does not work on Windows.

Creates a training directory at the given path if it does not exist already and returns a context manager that

allows user to temporarily enter the directory (or a subdirectory) to e.g. modify files. Also creates subdirectories “parameters”, “state_dicts”, and “tmp” under the parent directory which can be similarly temporarily accessed by supplying a given subdirectory name to the returned context manager as an argument.


dir_path – Path of directory to create


Context manager to access created training directory/subdirectories

Returns a dictionary of the default arguments of a function or class

Returns dictionary of default MinImagen dataloader options

Returns parser for MinImagen training

Returns the U-Net parameters and Imagen parameters saved in a “parameters” subdirectory of a training folder.


parameters_dir – “parameters” subdirectory from which to load.


(unets_params, im_params) where unets_params is a list where the parameters index corresponds to the Unet number in the Imagen instance.

Returns model size in MB, justparams=False)
Load identical command line arguments when picking up from a previous training for relevant arguments. That is,

ensures that --MAX_NUM_WORDS, --IMG_SIDE_LEN, --T5_NAME, --TIMESTEPS command line arguments from get_minimagen_parser() are all identical to the original training when resuming from a checkpoint.

  • args – Arguments Namespace returned from parsing get_minimagen_parser().

  • justparams – Whether loading from a parameters directory rather than a full training directory.
Load command line arguments that are conducive to testing training scripts (i.e. low computational load).

In particular, the following attributes of args are changed to the specified values:

  • BATCH_SIZE = 2

  • MAX_NUM_WORDS = 32

  • IMG_SIDE_LEN = 128

  • EPOCHS = 2

  • T5_NAME = ‘t5_small’


  • TIMESTEPS = 25

  • OPTIM_LR = 0.0001


args – Arguments Namespace returned from parsing get_minimagen_parser()., timestamp, unets_params, imagen_params, model_size, training_dir)

Saves training info to training directory

  • args – Arguments Namespace/dict from argparsing get_minimagen_parser() parser.

  • timestamp – Training timestamp

  • unets_params – List of parameters of Unets to save.

  • imagen_params – Imagen parameters to save

  • training_dir – Context manager returned from create_directory()




Load a MinImagen. instance from a training directory.


directory – MinImagen training directory as structured according to


MinImagen instance (ready for inference).


Loads Unets and Imagen parameters from a training directory


directory – Path of training directory generated by training


(unets_params, imagen_params) where unets_params is a list whose i-th element are the parameters of the i-th Unet in the Imagen instance.

minimagen.generate.sample_and_save(captions: list, *, minimagen: Optional[Imagen] = None, training_directory: Optional[str] = None, sample_args: dict = {}, save_directory: Optional[str] = None, filetype: str = 'png')
Generate and save images for a list of captions using a MinImagen instance.

Images are saved into a “generated_images” directory as “image_<CAPTION_INDEX>.<FILETYPE>”

  • captions – List of captions (strings) to generate images for.

  • minimagenMinImagen instance to use for sampling (i.e. generating images). Must specify one of minimagen or training_directory.

  • training_directory – Training directory of MinImagen instance to use for inference. Must specify one of minimagen or training_directory.

  • sample_args – Additional keyword arguments to pass for Imagen.sample function. Do not include texts or code:return_pil_images in this dictionary.

  • save_directory – Directory to save images to. Defaults to datetime-stamped directory if not specified.

  • filetype – Filetype of saved images.
